Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Cyber Attack

Has your computer been hacked? Or, crashed because you opened an attachment?

I think we’ve all been there.

I ran across an article from the Department of Homeland Security the other day discussing How to Protect Myself from a Cyber Attack.
The department talked about how important their role is in the threats to our cyber system. Their purpose is to secure the infrastructure of our cyberspace network which has become essential to our lives.

The Official website of the Department of Homeland Security listed several steps, we as private and public individuals, should take.

Here's a few:
Never click on links in emails or open an attachment unless you know it’s legitimate. If you’re not sure, go to the site and log on directly.

Turn off the option to automatically download attachments in your email.

Do not give out personal information over the phone or in email unless you’re sure. Remember social malicious actors will seem trustworthy, even if they have some of your information. Good ideal to ask them for their name so you can have a call back number.

Set secure passwords. Don’t Share.

Keep your software up to date – security updates are free from major software companies.

Contact companies or individuals directly to verify their authenticity of requests.

Don’t use passwords based on personal information, this makes it easier for attackers.

Intentionally misspell a word (for date, use daytt), or mnemonics, for example, “hoops” us “IlTpbb” for "[I] [l]ike [T]o [p]lay [b]asket[b]all." (I think this is a great idea)

Is a national public awareness campaign to increase the understanding of cyber threats to help the American public to be safer and more secure online.  

Let me throw out something else. EMP. Fiction? Or, Real?

What would happen if an EMP struck our nation? 

Is our government ready? 

Or, would we be thrown back into the dark ages? Hmmm


  1. Great advice. We all get caught with those fake emails from places like Paypal and Email.

  2. Thanks for sharing these great and timely tips, Judy!

  3. Thanks for sharing this. Also be aware that all those sweet and sad photos of kids with cancer or abused animals that ask for "likes" and "shares" are SCAMS. Somehow, if you click on them all your FB info gets downloaded into a scammers file! So learn to scroll! And another thing: when you check out of a hotel destroy the room pass "key"...it contains your name, address, phone #, credit card #, & car license #. The hotel throws them into the trash where scammers pick them up!

  4. Thank Janice and Shelia, good to know about the animal/kids abuse scams and the hotel key - I always wondered about that.


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