Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year Challenge

I hope you are looking forward to 2014 as much as I am.When I look back through the year and focus on what I accomplished during the fast pace 2013 - I’m excited. What about you?
I don’t really make New Year’s Resolutions, but I do what I call What I want to Accomplish during the New Year. I write at least six items down and put the paper in a place that is out of sight, therefore, out of mind. By the time the New Year rolls around, I’m reminded of that list, which I actually had forgotten about until now.  So in anticipation, I go looking for that little piece of paper, trying  to remember what I wrote.
Well, when I read my list, I was, once again, amazed at what I had accomplished. I usually jot down six items and get all excited if I complete at least half of what’s on the list. They say, the mind is an incredible organ that we barely tap into.

Right now, I’m enjoying a hot cup of coffee and thinking about what was on my list.  I gave myself 5 for accomplishing 5 out of 6. I’m happy. Especially happy about my western historical series and seriously considering writing a fourth book.

Here’s my list:

#1        Finish Ghost Thunder – DONE – available on Amazon in ebook or print
          #2        Finish writing and publish the first book to my Silver Sage Creek series, Better She Die – DONE and DONE – signed a contract with Secret Cravings Publishing and they wanted the next two books! 

#3        Write book two, BetterShe Live – DONE (released in September)
#4        Write third book BetterShe Love – DONE, and will be released this month (January 2014)
#5        Research and write the draft for third Yellow Creek series – Nope
#6        Offer my Santa Series in print – DONE, and put the ebooks on for $.99 on Amazon - DONE

Now, as I contemplate the New Year. I’m once again getting excited for what’s ahead for the New Year.
What about you? Will you write a list along with me? Just jot down a few things that you would like to accomplish this year. Make it short, but long enough to challenge you. I’d say, no more than 6 things. Now, take the paper and fold it up and put it in a place where you can easily find it, but because it’s out of sight throughout the year, you can forget it. Great. If you’ll let me know that you made a What I want to Accomplish in 2014, let me know. I’ll remind you about your list in December 2014.

Besides accomplishing the above list, I also enjoy two books signings with some wonderful authors at Marissa’s Books and Gifts. I even joined an authors’ group for a Fit and Fabulous 2013 Year, which I was supposed to work out and lose at least ten pound. What can I say…DIDN’T HAPPEN! Oh well, you can’t do it all!

Have an amazing New Year. If you’re partying, stay safe. Here’s the way my hubby and I usually spend New Year’s Eve:  
Brett & Judy


  1. Congratulations! You've really accomplished a lot! Happy New Year!!!

    1. Shelia, I wish you a healthy, happy and a produce New Year. Thanks for following my blog and reading my books. Good luck with your new blog, Ruby Red's Reflections, I loved it.

  2. Wow that was a lot to accomplish. I'm trying the one word for this year. My word is perspective. I look at what everyone else does and want to have mine the same, or I think about things that aren't something I should worry about.

    1. Interesting Melissa - perspective. I'd be interested in knowing what you think at the end of 2014. Thank for following my blog and have a wonderful year.

  3. I think that is a great accomplishment. I made my list of 5 and put it up. Now, I am excited to see what I do at the end of 1914. I also decided I would try and do at least one kindness a day for someone. Looking forward to the 3rd book coming out. Happy New Year.

    1. I'm excited your wrote a list. Be sure to email me at the end of the year, and I'm sure you meant 2014 - not 1914 or did you zoom back in time to make a decision about your list?? Like to hear that story.

  4. Nice that you accomplished 5 out of your list! Congrats on all the writing successes.
    I'd like to revive my romance writing since I wrote a nonfiction book last year. Hoping 2014 is great for us all,

    1. Thanks Marianne, I too hope your year is the best. I think you've accomplished something great by writing a nonfiction book. Not sure I could ever write a nonfiction.

  5. You were very busy in 2013 and accomplished a lot....good for you, Judy! Hope the same for you in 2014.

    1. Thanks Rose, it's always good to hear from you. Thanks for stopping by.


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