Friday, July 10, 2009

No Rules

After being flat on my back with pneumonia for two weeks, I finally started feeling better. And than, I receive a nice rejection letter from Dorchester. So, I decided I should read more of their #1 Best Sellers that I had not read before. Cassie Edwards has many American Native series, which is during the same period time for my novel. It is because of her book, Savage Sun and a few others that are well know authors that have put me on this soap opera box.

Cassie Edwards, Savage Sun storyline was interesting, but the entire novel could have been cut in half if she had not repeated Tall Moon and Rowena’s internal thoughts so many, many, many times. To get to the point of the story I found myself skipping repeats so often that I had to put the book down and returned later. Ms. Edwards’ favorite word throughout the entire book was “sarcastically.” The word began to be meaningless after a while. It took me longer than usual to finish her book.

I keep hearing writers, editors, and agents say there are no rules when it comes to writing your romance novel. I really disagree with that statement. First, if you’re a newbie, or published and submitting to the NY publishers, there are several rules that you should follow. Since I’m sure you’ve heard them all, I’ll not waste your time expanding on those subjects like POV, repeats, adverbs, etc. But, it appears many well-established, money making, published authors, are the one that have no rules. By the way, I don’t put all well known authors in this no rules category. We still have many writers that keep you turning the pages.

Thank you for letting me vent…now, I’ll step down off the box and finish with a smile.
After all…
We all have days when “Who am I fooling, I’m not awriter?” rings in our heads. Days when we get three rejection letters in the same batch of mail. We all have weeks and months when nothing we submit finds publication but here’s the solution...
Be Happy
Be Buoyant
Be Confident
Be Helpful
Be Positive!
These words by Grace Tierney helped me a bit.

1 comment:

  1. I can relate! I took some time off between writing and rewriting my latest novel to read some Best Sellers and some from Oprah's club.

    I found so many mistakes I couldn't believe it! Two of the novels were over 700 pages and the stories interwoven with so many letters, historical papers, and song lyrics, that I started skipping PAGES of useless information which did not move the story along!

    The publishers: HarperCollins, Berkley Books, NY, and Knopf!


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